Local Living: A Mindful Journey with Monique de Maio

In this podcast episode, I discuss my “L3 project,’’ which stands for Live Like a Local, where my husband and I live in different countries for an extended period. We decided that rather than live in a bigger house, or invest in a second home, we would make international travel part of our living expenses, on a yearly basis. This would allow us to experience all that comes with living like a local in different countries around the world and maintain ultimate flexibility, and no maintenance of anything!  This time around we are headed to Madrid. 

I want to emphasize the importance of a mindshift when living like a local as well as the overall need for strategic planning and time management. Living like a local when traveling offers a ton of benefits that will help enhance your mindset and creativity, as well as allow you to connect more deeply with the destination. 

Last year when we went to Paris, there were some things I planned out ahead of time, so I knew I was getting the most out of my trip. I’m currently taking action on them to prepare for Madrid, so I thought I would share my tips!

  1. What does my day look like? Last year when I went to Paris, the time change allowed me to get a bunch of work done while everyone I worked with was sleeping. So I found myself super focused on the tasks that I knew I was responsible for daily and I used the time change to my advantage (WIN!) In the same way that I planned my work days in Paris, I will be doing the same for Madrid. Last year, I wrote a good chunk of my book! I have my BHAG (Big-hefty-ambitious) goals this year, and I want to make sure I make time in my calendar on a daily basis to unplug and really focus on those goals! 
  1. Packing- When it comes to packing for a long trip, the key motto that I live by is less is more. Trust me! When I pack for my trips, I stick to a simple color scheme (black/white/navy with bright colors through accessories/scarves). I interchange these staple pieces and a few different accessories as well as one dressier outfit. This keeps things organized, easy, and light. Who doesn’t like to travel light?
  1. Language- I make sure that before I travel, I have a language app ready to go with key phrases and questions I know that I will need when I’m traveling. I also take some time to get some good practice in speaking the language if I haven’t spoken it in a while. This helps me feel prepared to communicate and get around the area without trouble!
  1. Books- I bring my book journal/ coaching journal/ and podcast journal which I know I will need throughout my trip. I like to have my journals with me because I know different things will inspire me or I’ll have a new idea that I want to dive into at any given moment. It’s the best to have on hand. I also bring along my current book of choice, Rioja Wines by Ana Fabiano, the American expert on Spanish Rioja wines, and Rachel Maddow’s Prequel.

I am excited to be embarking on this journey to Madrid, and I hope this podcast was helpful and provided useful tips on how to get the most out of your trip so that you can come back as a better version of yourself. Be very clear with yourself about what you’d like to get out of your trips, and be intentional with your travel. 

Let me leave you with this: 

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.” 

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